PhD in Philology (Candidate of Philology), Docent

Senior Researcher

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Education, Degree and Positions:

Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University (Faculty of Philology) in 1994. Title of thesis «Pastoral Motifs in Shakespeare’s Comedies» (MSU, 2000)

2000–2018 – Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Moscow City University

Since 2019 – Senior Research Associate, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Research Interests

History of English literature, European Early Modern drama, studies in W. Shakespeare, H. Fielding, R.B. Sheridan, Comparative Literature and Historical Poetics

Speaks regularly at international conferences «XVIII vek [XVIII century]» (Moscow State University), «Vinogradivskie chteniya [Vinogradov Readings]» (Moscow City University)

Selected Publications


  1. Motiv ‘supruzheskoj vojny’ i osobennosti traktovki semejnoj temy v anglijskoj komedii ot Dzh. Kolmana do R.B. Sheridana” [“The Motif of ‘Marital Discord’ and the Interpretation of the Matters of Family Life in the English Comedy from G. Colman the Elder to R.B. Sheridan. Ad Virum Illustrem. K 70-letiyu Mixaila Leonidovicha Andreeva: kollektivnaya monografiya [Ad Virum Illustrem. To the 70th Anniversary of Mikhail Leonidovich Andreev]: collective monograph. Moscow, Izdat. dom «Delo» RANXiGS Publ., 2021, pp. 140–167 (824 p.) (In Russ.)

  2. Syuzhet Plavta v komedii Zh.-F. Ren'yara ‘Neozhidannoe vozvrashhenie’: O Granicax Publichnogo i Privatnogo” [The Plot of Plautus in J.-F. Regnard’s Comedy Le Retour Imprévu: on the Limits of the Intimate and the Public]. XVIII vek: intimnoe i publichnoe v literature i kul'ture e'poxi: kollektivnaya monografiya [XVIII Century: the Intimate and the Public in the Literature and Culture of the Epoch], ed. by N.T. Paxsar'yan. St.-Petersburg, Aletejya Publ., 2021, pp. 214–230 (590 p.). (In Russ.)

  3. XVIII vek: Smex i slyozy’ v literature i iskusstve e’poxi Prosveshheniya: kollektivnaya monografiya [XVIII century: Laugh and Tears in the Literature and Art of the Enlightenment: collective monograph] / ed. by N.T. Paxsar’yan. St. Petersburg, Aletejya, 2018, 876 p. (Syuzhet i xaraktery’ v structure komedii Dzh. Kolmana «Revnivaya zhena»: dialog s Genri Fildingom [«Plot and Characters in the Structure of G. Colman’s Comedy The Jealous Wife: the Dialogue with Henry Fielding»], pp. 175–185). (In Rus.).
  4. Istoriya mirovoj literatury’ (zarubezhnaya literatura Srednix vekov i Vozrozhdeniya): Vvedenie. Perexod ot Antichnosti k Srednevekov’yu. Latinskaya literatura rannego Srednevekov’ya [The History of World Literature (Foreign Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance). Introduction. The Transition from Antiquity to the Middle Ages). Early Mediaeval Latin Literature]. Moscow, MGPU Publ., 2015, 236 p. (In Rus.).
  5. Dramaturguya R.B. Sheridana: tradicii i literaturny’j kontekst [The Dramatic Works of R.B. Sheridan: Traditions and Literary Context]: In 2 volumes. Moscow, MGPU Publ., 2013. 160 p., 180 p. (In Rus.).
  6. Istoriya zarubezhnoj literatury’ XVII veka [The History of Foreign Literature of the XVII century] / ed. by N.T. Paxsar’yan. Moscow, Vy’sshaya shkola Publ., 2005, 487 p. (Anglijskaya dramaturgiya [English Drama], pp. 304–392). Third edition (Moscow, Yurajt Publ., 2018). (In Rus.).
  7. Skott V. Obruchyonnaya [Scott W. The Betrothed] / Transl. by Z.E. Aleksandrova; with comments and afterword by T.G. Chesnokova. Moscow, Nauka Publ., Ladomir Publ., 2005, 320 p. (In Rus.).
  8. Shekspir i pastoral’naya tradiciya anglijskogo Vozrozhdeniya: (Pastoral’ny’e motivy’ v komediyax U. Shekspira) [Shakespeare and the Pastoral Tradition of the English Renaissance: (Pastoral Motifs in W. Shakespeare’s Comedies)]: monograph. Moscow, MAKS Press, 2000, 216 p. (In Rus.).

Recent articles

  1. «Usmirenie svoenravnoj» A.N. Ostrovskogo: problemy recepcii i principy perevoda shekspirovskoj komedii [The Taming of the Shrew by A.N. Ostrovsky: Some Aspects of Reception and the Principles of Translation of Shakespeare’s Comedy] // Studia Litterarum. 2020. T. 5. № 4. S. 10–37. DOI: (In Russ.)
  2. A.N. Ostrovskij – perevodchik Shekspira: «Usmirenie svoenravnoj» (istoriya, zhanrovoe svoeobrazie, tvorcheskie paralleli) [A.N. Ostrovsky — Translator of Shakespeare “Usmirenie Svoenravnoi” (The Taming of the Shrew) (Its History, Genre and Literary Parallels in the Original Works)]. ShAGI / STEPS, vol. 6, no. 3, 2020, pp. 72–92. DOI: 10.22394/2412-9410-2020-6-3-72-92 (In Russ.)

  3. Mezhzhanrovye i mezhkul'turnye svyazi komedii Dzh. Kolmana «Revnivaya zhena»: ot Fildinga k Deforzhu [Intergenre and Intercultural Relations of George Colman’s The Jealous Wife: From Fielding to Desforges]. Novyj filologicheskij vestnik, no. 1 (52), 2020, pp. 204–221. DOI:  0.24411/2072-9316-2020-00016 (In Russ.)

  4. «Supruzheskaya vojna» ili «Ukroshhenie stroptivoj»? Kartina semejnyx nravov v komedii Dzh. Kolmana «Revnivaya zhena»: tradicii i literaturnyj kontekst [‘Conjugal War’ or ‘The Taming of the Shrew’? The Picture of Family Mores in the ‘Jealous Wife’ by George Colman the Elder: Traditions and Literary Context]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta [Moscow University Bulletin], series 9, Filologiya [Philology], no. 3, 2020, pp. 153–163. (In Russ.)

  5. Tri komedii o supruzheskix vojnax: semejnaya tema v tvorchestve Dzh. Kolmana, A. Merfi i R. Kamberlenda [Three Comedies about Conjugal Wars: The Matter of Domestic Life in the Plays by G. Colman, A. Murphy, and R. Cumberland]. Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta, series “Filologiya. Teoriya yazyka. Yazykovoe obrazovanie” [Philology. Theory of Language. Linguistic Education], no. 1 (37), 2020, pp. 16–25. DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2020.37.1.02 (In Russ.)

  6. Xristianskij «Gamlet» P.A. Florenskogo: k probleme «russkogo Shekspira» [Christian ‘Hamlet’ by Pavel Florensky: Studying “Russian Shakespeare”]. Duxovno-nravstvennye osnovy russkoj literatury [Spiritual and Moral Foundations of Russian Literature]: collection of articles, ed. by N.G. Koptelova; gen. editor A.K. Kotlov. Kostroma, KGU Publ., 2019, pp. 129–134.

  7. Revnivaya zhena Dzh. Kolmana Starshego: Dramaturgicheskaya obrabotka «Istorii Toma Dzhonsa» i eyo mesto v istorii anglijskoj «vesyoloj komedii» [The Jealous Wife by George Colman the Elder: The Dramatic Adaptation of Tom Jones and its Place in the History of English «Laughing» Comedy]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Seriya 9: Filologiya [Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 9: Philology], 2018, No. 4, pp. 117–133. (In Russ.).
  8. «Dialogi» Grigoriya Velikogo i prostranstvenno-vremennaya struktura srednevekovy’x videnij [St. Gregory’s «Dialogues» and the Space and Meaning Structure of Mediaeval Vision Literature]. Social’no-gumanitarny’e znaniya [Social and Humanities Knowledge], 2018, No. 2, pp. 150–164. (In Russ.).
  9. Skvozny’e metafory’ v zhanrovoj structure i poe’tike «Palomnichestva Chajl’d-Garol’da» Dzh.G. Bajrona [Recurrent Metaphors in the Genre Structure and Poetics of G.G. Byron’s Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage]. Vestnik MGPU. Seriya Filologiya. Teoriya yazy’ka. Yazy’kovoe obrazovanie [Vestnik (Bulletin of), Moscow City University. Series: Philology. Linguistic Theory. Language Education], 2017, No. 4, pp. 25–34. (In Russ.).
  10. Komediya U. Shekspira «Ukrosshenie stroptivoj»: k probleme istochnikov i interpretacii teksta [W. Shakespeare’s Comedy The Taming of the Shrew: Studying its Sources and Interpretations] // Yazy’kovy’e processy’ v e’poxu globalizacii [Linguistic Processes in the Era of Globalization]. Moscow, MGPU Publ., 2016, pp. 271–276. (In Rus.).
  11. «Rastochitel’, zastignuty’j vrasplox»: antichny’j syuzhet ot Plavta k Ren’yaru [«A Spendthrift, Taken Unawares»: The Classical Plot from Plautus to Regnard] // XVIII vek kak zerkalo drugix e’pox. XVIII vek v zerkale drugix e’pox [XVIII century as a mirror of other epochs. XVIII century in the mirror of other epochs]: collected essays / ed. by N.T. Paxsar’yan. St. Petersburg, Aletejya Publ., 2016, pp. 13–21. (In Rus.).
  12. Obrazy’ starikov-samodurov v komedii R.B. Sheridana «Soperniki»: poe’tika i syuzhetny’e funkcii [The Characters of «Tyrannical Old Persons» in The Rivals by R.B. Sheridan: Poetics and Functions in the Plot] // Tekst. Kontekst. Intertekst [Text. Context. Intertext]: collected essays based on the materials of the XIV International Conference «Vinogradradovskie Chteniya» [Vinogradov Readings] (16-17 October 2015). Vol. 3. Zarubezhnaya filologuya [Foreign Philology]. Moscow, MGPU Publ., 2016, pp. 169–180. (In Rus.).
  13. Syuzhet ob Orfee v klassicheskoj opere i ego travestijnaya versiya v komicheskom teatre G. Fildinga: dve «E’vridiki» [The Plot about Orpheus in the classical Opera and its Mock Version in the comic Theatre of H. Fielding: two Eurydicies]. Voporosy’ filologii [The Issues of Philology], 2015, No. 3 (51), pp. 72–80. (In Rus.).
  14. Spor vremyon goda v evropejskoj literature Srednevekov’ya i Renessansa: Alkuin i Shekspir [The Seasons’ Debate in Mediaeval and Renaissance European Literature: Alcuin and Shakespeare] // Rusistika i komparativistika [Russian Philology and Comparative Literature]: collected essays / ed. by M.B. Loskutnikova. Issue 10. Vilnius, LE’U Publ., 2015, pp. 95–109. (In Rus.).
  15. Motiv xristianskogo utesheniya v pis’max sv. Ieronima Stridonskogo [The motif of Christian Consolation in St. Jerome of Stridonium’s letters] // Motiv v structure xudozhestvennogo teksta [Motif in the Structure of Literary Text]: collected essays. Moscow, MGPU Publ., 2016, pp. 20–39. (In Rus.).
  16. «Repeticiya», burlesk i satira v maloj dramaturgii G. Fildinga: ot «E’vridiki» k «Osvistannoj E’vridike» [The Rehearsal, Burlesque and Satire in H. Fielding’s Short Dramatic Works: From Eurydice to Eurydice Hissed]. Vestnik MGPU. Seriya Filologiya. Teoriya yazy’ka. Yazy’kovoe obrazovanie [Vestnik (Bulletin of) Moscow City University. Series: Philology. Linguistic Theory. Language Education], 2015, No. 1 (17), pp. 23–32. (In Rus.).
  17. Shekspir i «konecz Renessansa»: k probleme mirovozzrencheskix osnov shekspirovskogo metoda [Shakespeare and the End of the Renaissance: A Philosophic Study of Shakespearean Method]. Vestnik MGPU. Seriya Filosofskie nauki [Vestnik (Bulletin of) Moscow City University. Series: Philosophy], 2015, No. 1 (13), pp. 47–59. (In Rus.).
  18. Obraz dobroserdechnogo povesy’ v «Shkole zlosloviya» R.B. Sheridana: tradicii i literaturny’j fon [The «Kind-hearted Rake» Type in R.B. Sheridan’s The School for Scandal: Traditions and Literary Background] // Tekst. Kontekst. Intertekst [Text. Context. Intertext]: collected essays based on the materials of the XIII International Conference «Vinogradradovskie Chteniya» [Vinogradov Readings] (15-17 October 2013). Vol. 3. Zarubezhnaya filologuya. Filosofiya. Istoriya [Foreign Philology. Philosophy. History]. Part 1. Moscow, MGPU Publ., 2014, pp. 52–62. (In Rus.).
  19. Topos svetskogo ostroumiya v anglijskoj i russkoj komedii: ot e’vfuizma do A.S. Griboedova [The Topos of Fashionable Wit in English and Russian Comedy from Euphuism to A.S. Griboedov] // XVIII vek: toposy’ i pejzazhi [XVIII Century: Topoi and Landscapes]: collected essays / ed. by N.T. Paxsar’yan. Issue 9. St. Petersburg, Aletejya, 2014, pp. 283–293. (In Rus.).
  20. Konceptual’no-obraznaya model’ «estestvennogo cheloveka» v literature e’poxi Prosveshheniya [Fictional Manifestations of the «Natural Man» Concept in the Literature of the Enlightenment]. Social’no-gumanitarny’e znaniya [Social and Humanities Knowledge], 2014, No. 4, pp. 267–281. (In Russ.).
  21. Pozdnie «maly’e p’esy’» R.B. Sheridana: teatralizaciya zhanra (na materiale muzy’kal’ny’x predstavlenij «Voenny’j lager’» i «Slavny’j den’ Pervogo iyunya») [R.B. Sheridan’s Late Short Pieces: Making the Kind More Theatrical (A Case Study of Musical Entertainments The Camp and The Glorious First of June)]. Vestnik MGPU. Seriya Filologicheskoe obrazovanie [Vestnik (Bulletin of) Moscow City University. Series: Philological Education], 2014, No. 1 (12), pp. 70–78. (In Rus.).
  22. Filosofiya Prosveshheniya i problema formirovaniya sentimental’noj modeli «razumnoj chuvstvitel’nostu» [The Philosophy of Enlightenment and the Rise of the Model of «Rational Sensibility» in Sentimental Writing]. Social’no-gumanitarny’e znaniya [Social and Humanities Knowledge], 2013, No. 5, pp. 190–204. (In Russ.).
  23. Obraz «chuvstvitel’noj bary’shni» v komedii R.B. Sheridana «Soperniki» [The «Sentimental Young Lady» Image in R.B. Sheridan’s The Rivals]. Vestnik MGPU. Seriya Filologicheskoe obrazovanie [Vestnik (Bulletin of) Moscow City University. Series: Philological Education], 2013, No. 2 (11), pp. 58–67. (In Rus.).
  24. «Den’ svyatogo Patrika» R.B. Sheridana i tradicii farsa kak «maloj komedii» v anglijskom teatre XVIII v. [R.B. Sheridan’s St. Patrick’s Day and Farce as a «Short Comedy» Tradition in the English 18th Century Theatre]. Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tixonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta (Vestnik PSTGU). Seriya III. Filologiya [Bulletin of Saint Tikhon Orthodox University of Humanities, Series III: Philology] 2013, No. 2 (32), pp. 65–77.
  25. Motiv «supruzheskoj vojny’» v anglijskoj komedii ot Shekspira do Sheridana [The Conjugal War Motif in the English Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan]. Vestnik MGPU. Seriya Filologicheskoe obrazovanie [Vestnik (Bulletin of) Moscow City University. Series: Philological Education], 2013, No. 1 (10), pp. 83–90. (In Rus.).
  26. Ob e’steticheskix i moral’no-filosofskix osnovax traktovki ponyatiya «yumor» v anglijskoj literaturnoj kritike XVII–XVIII vv. [On Aesthetic and Philosophic Bases of the Interpretation of the Category of Humour in English Literary Criticism of the XVII–XVIII centuries]. Vestnik MGPU. Seriya Filosofskie nauki [Vestnik (Bulletin of) Moscow City University. Series: Philosophy], 2013, No. 1 (7), pp. 106–118. (In Rus.).