В хронологическом порядке
Составитель: Е.В. Кузнецова
1) Russian Anthology. Specimen of Russian poets; with preliminary remarks and bio- graphical notes / Translated by John Bowring. London: FLS. Hunter, 1821. 239 p.
2) Russian Anthology. Specimen of Russian poets; with preliminary remarks and bio- graphical notes. Part the Second / By J. Bowring. London: FLS. Hunter, 1823. 274 p.
3) Wilson C. T. Russian Lyrics in English verse. London: Trubner, 1887. 244 p.
4) Wiener L. Anthology of Russian Literature from the Earliest Period to the Present Time: in 2 parts. New York; London, 1903. Part 2. The Nineteenth Century. 504 p.
5) Modern Russian poetry: texts and translations / by Selver Paul. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd. 1917. 92 p.
6) Rudzinsky B.A. Selection of Russian poetry. Oxford, Blackie and son Limited, 1918. 102 p.
7) Modern Russian poetry: an anthology / by B. Deutsch and A. Yarmolinsky. New York: Harbourt, Brace, 1921. 181 p.; 1927. 254 p.
Переиздания с дополнениями: 1921, 1923, 1927. В 1966 г. вышло обобщенное переиздание всех трех выпусков антологии Ярмолинского и Дойч: «Two Centuries of Russian Verse/ trans. Babette Deutsch and Avrahm Yarmolinsky. Random House. Random House Random House. 1966. Князь Д.П. Святополк-Мирский посвятил первому выпуску данной антологии рецензию: Mirsky D.S. Modern Russian Poetry. An Anthology. Chosen and translated by Babette Deutsch and Avrahm Yarmolinsky. London (John Lane), 1923. 6s. net. (Printed in the U.S.A., forming part of The European Library, edited by J. E. Spingarn) // The Slavonic Review. 1923. Vol. 2. No 5. Р. 451–452.
8) The Oxford book of Russian verse / chosen by Maurice Baring. Oxford: Clarendon, 1924. XXXIX, 211 p.
Переиздания с дополнениями: The Oxford book of Russian verse / chosen by Maurice Baring, D. P. Costello. Oxford: Clarendon, 1948, 311 p.; The Oxford book of Russian verse / chosen by Maurice Baring, D. P. Costello. Oxford, 1961, 1966. 364 p.; The Oxford book of Russian verse / Desmond Patrick Costello. Oxford: Clarendon, 1971. 311 p.
9) Coxwell, C. F. Russian poems / Intr. By D. Mirsky. London: Daniel, 1929. 306 p.
10) Songs from the Russian Cabaret. Translated and arranged by G. Shelley. London: Cary & Co [1936].
11) Shelly G. Modern poems from Russia. London: Ld Allen & Unwin, 1942. 93 p.
Переиздание вышло в 1977.
12) Cornford F., Salaman E. Poems from the Russia. Ld. Faber, 1943. 74 p.
13) Bowra C.M. A Book of Russian Verse. London: Macmillan & Co., LTD, 1943, 127 p.
14) Bowra C.M. The Second Book of Russian verse. London: Macmillan & Co., LTD, 1948. 153 p.
15) The Penguin book of Russian verse / by Dimitri Obolensky. Baltimor: Penguin Books, 1962. 444 p.
16) The Penguin book of Russian verse with plain prose translations of each poem. Revised edition with additional poems / by Dimitri Obolensky. Baltimor: Penguin Books, 1965. 472 p.
17) Markov V., Sparks М. Modern Russian Poetry: An Anthology with Verse Translations. London: McGibbon & Kee, 1966. 847 p.
Переиздание в Нью-Йорке в 1967 г.
18) Centifolia russica. Упражнение в отборе / by V. Markov. St.-Petersburg, 1973. 233 p.
Переиздание: Centifolia russica: Antologia: Упражнение в отборе / Владимир Марков. СПб.: Алетейя, 1999. 233 с.
19) Post-war Russian poetry / Ed. with an introd. by Daniel Weissbort; All unattributed transl. are by Daniel Weissbort. Harmondsworth (Mddx.) etc: Penguin books, 1974. 272 с.
20) The Heritage of Russian Verse / Dimitri Obolensky (ed.) Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1976. 475 p.
21) Modern Russian Poets on Poetry: Blok, Mandelstam, Pasternak, Mayakovsky, Gumilev, Tsuetaeva / Carl R. Proffer, Ardis Publishers, 1976. (Двуязычная антология).
22) Russian Poetry, the Modern Period / by John Glad and Daniel Weissbort. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1978. 420 p.
23) Twentieth century Russian poetry: silver and steel: an anthology / Translation into English. New York: Doubleday, 1993. (Cоставл. и предисл. Е. Евтушенко).
24) Contemporary Russian poetry: A biling. anthology / Sel., with an introd., transl., a. notes by Gerald S. Smith. Bloomington; Indianapolis: Indiana univ. press, Cop. 1993. XXXIII, 353 с. (Двуязычная антология).
25) An Age Ago. A Selection of Nineteenth-Century Russian poetry / Selected and tr. by Alan Myers, with a foreword and biographical notes by Joseph Brodsky. N.Y.: Far- rar, Straus & Giroux, 1988. 170 p.
26) After Pushkin. Versions of the poems of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin by con- temporary poets / Ed. and introduced by E. Feinstein. Carcanet Press: Folio Society, 1999. 96 р.
27) Russian Poets (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets Series) Hardcover / By Peter Washington. Everyman's Library, 2009. 256 p.
28) The Penguin Book of Russian Poetry. Paperback / by Robert Chandler , Boris Dralyuk , Irina Mashinski. Penguin Classic, 2015. 592 p.
29) Russian Silver age poetry: texts and contexts / edited and introduced by Sibelan E.S. Forrester and Martha M.F. Kelly. Boston: Academic studies press, 2015. 556 p.