Библиография переводов русских народных сказок и легенд,
собранных А.Н. Афанасьевым,
на английский язык

Настоящая библиография представляет собой наиболее полный (из существующих на сегодняшний день) перечень переводов русских народных сказок из собрания А.Н. Афанасьева на английский язык. Поскольку многие сюжеты сказок, фигурирующих в этом сборнике, являются расхожими и встречаются в других крупных компендиумах (собраниях И.А. Худякова, А.Н. Чудинова, Б. Бронницына, П.Н. Полевого и проч.), мы сознательно сфокусировались на текстах, в точности, до мелочей, следующих за оригиналом Афанасьева.
В качестве исключения мы учли три сборника, авторы-составители которых позиционируют свои сказки как «изложения» («retold»), но при этом лишь незначительно отступают от афанасьевского текста, — а именно: сборники “Russian Tales and Legends” [«Русские сказки и легенды»] (1989, сост. Ч. Даунинг) и “Russian Fairy Tales” [«Русские волшебные сказки»] (1995, сост. Дж. Эвери), а также “Old Peter’s Russian Tales” [«Русские сказки дедушки Петра»] (1916) — авторский цикл А. Рэнсома с «обрамляющей» структурой (введены рассказчик и два маленьких слушателя), но в отношении сказок опять-таки точно следующий за собранием Афанасьева1.
При этом в библиографию не включены очевидные переложения сказок — истории «по мотивам», адаптации для маленького читателя, а также научные пересказы (в частности, вошедшие в собрание У.Р.Ш. Ролстона).
Перечень русских народных сказок воспроизводится по изд.: Народные русские сказки А.Н. Афанасьева: В 3 т. / Изд. подгот. Л.Г, Бараг и Н.В. Новиков. М.: Наука, 1984. (Сер. «Литературные памятники»); перечень народных легенд — по изд.: Афанасьев А.Н. Народные русские легенды / Ред. и предисл. прив.-доц. С.К. Шамбинского. М.: Книгоиздательство «Современные проблемы», 1914.
Прочерком отмечены сказки или варианты сюжетов (указаны в круглых скобках), перевод которых обнаружить не удалось.

Перечень английских источников

Slavonic Fairy Tales / Collected and Translated from the Russian, Polish, Servian, and Bohemian by J.T. Naaké; with Four Illustrations. L.: Henry S. King & C°, 1874. – 272 p.
Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. – 388 p.
The Red Fairy Book / Ed. by A. Lang; with numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford and L. Speed. L.; N. Y.: Longmans, Green & C°, 1890. – 368 p.
Folk Tales from the Russian / Retold by V.X. Kalamatiano de Blumenthal; [ill. by L.F. Perkins]. L.; Chicago; N.Y.: Rand, McNally & C°, 1903. – 152 p.
Russian Wonder Tales / With a Foreword on «The Russian Skazki» by [G.] Post Wheeler, Litt. D.; Containing Twelve of the Famous Bilibin Illustrations in Color. N.Y.: The Century C°, 1912. – 324 p.
Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913 (Rpt. – 1915). – 352 p.
A Russian Garland of Fairy Tales: Being Russian Folk Legends: Translated From a Collection of Chapbooks Made in Moscow / Ed. by R. Steele; ill. by R. de Rosciszewski. M. : Robert M. Mcbride & C°, 1916. – 244 p.
Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. – 312 p.
Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. – 146 p.
Marko the Rich and Vasily the Unlucky / Transl. from the Russian by Th.P. Whitney; ill. by I. Galanin. N.Y.: Macmillan Publishing C°; L.: Collier Macmillan, 1974. – 32 p.
The Twelve Dancing Princesses, and Other Fairy Tales / Selected and with an Introd. by A. David and M.E. Meek. Bloomington (IN); L.: Indiana University Press, 1974. – 320 p.
Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. – 668 p.
The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. – 160 p., ill.
Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. 223 p., ill.
Russian Fairy Tales // Retold by G. Avery, with ill. by I. Bilibin. (Ser. “Children’s Classics Everyman’s Library”). N.Y.: A. Knopf: Random House, 1995. – 183 p.
Russian Fairy Tales (= Русские народные сказки) / Transl. and ed. of the Bilingual Text by D. Martin (USA) and L. Lisitskaya (R.F.) (= Перевод и литературная обработка параллельного текста Д. Мартин (США), Л. Лисицкая (РФ)). М.: Терра, 1996. – 104 с., ил.
Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. – 175 p., ill.
Народные русские сказки

1—7. Лисичка-сестричка и волк
(1) Little Sister Fox and the Wolf // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 371—375.
(2—7) ———
8. За лапоток — курочку, за курочку — гусочку
A Hen for a Shoe, a Goose for a Hen / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 22—24.
9—13. Лиса-повитуха
(9) Mistress Fox the Midwife / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 19—21.
(9) The Fox as Midwife // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 192—194.
(10—13) ———
14. Лиса, заяц и петух
The Fox and the Hare // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 16—18.
The Fox, the Hare, and the Cock // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 191—192.
15—17. Лиса-исповедница
(15) Mistress Fox the Confessor / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 16—18.
(16) The Fox Confessor // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 72—74.
(17) ———
18. Лиса-лекарка
The Fox-Physician // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 296—298.
The Fox Physician // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 13—17.
19. Старик лезет на небо
20. Старик на небе
21—22. Лиса-плачея
(21) The Fox as Mourner // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 437—438.
(22) ———
23—26. Мужик, медведь и лиса
(23) The Peasant, the Bear and the Fox // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 288—289.
(23) The Peasant, the Bear and the Fox / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 3—5.
(24—26) ———
27. Старая хлеб-соль забывается
Old Favours are Soon Forgotten // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 273—275.
28. Овца, лиса и волк
The Sheep, the Fox and the Wolf / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 9—11.
The Sheep, the Fox and the Wolf // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 275—276.
29—30. Звери в яме
(29) The Animals in the Pit // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 119—120.
(29) Beasts in a Pit // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 498.
(30) The Animals in the Pit / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 3—6.
31. Лиса и тетерев
The Fox and the Woodcock // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 171.
32. Лиса и дятел
The Fox and the Woodpecker // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 199.
33. Лиса и журавль
The Fox and the Crane // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 171—172.
The Fox and the Crane / Transl. by B. Isaacs // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 20—22.
34. Снегурушка и лиса
Snow White and the Fox // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 283—284.
35. Лиса и рак
The Fox and the Lobster // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 310.
36. Колобок
The Bun // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 447—449.
37—39. Кот, петух и лиса
(37) The Cock, the Cat, and the Fox // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 21—24.
(37) The Cat, the Cock, and the Fox // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 86—89.
(37) The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 11—13.
(38, 39) ———
40—43. Кот и лиса
(40) The Cat Who Became the Head-Forester // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 92—104.
(41—43) ———
44—47. Напуганные медведь и волки
(44) The Ram, the Cat, and the Twelve Wolves // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 196—198.
(45) The Ram and the Goat // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 28—30.
(45, 46) ———
48. Медведь, лиса, слепень и мужик
49—50. Волк
(49) The Wolf // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 312.
(50) ———
51—52. Свинья и волк
53—54. Волк и коза
(53) The Wolf and the Goat / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 11—13.
(53) The Wolf and the Goat // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 249—251.
(54) ———
55—56. Волк-дурень
(55) Silly Old Grey Wolf / Transl. by K.M. Cook-Horujy // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 12—15.
(55) The Foolish Wolf // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 450—452.
(56) ———
57—58. Медведь
(57) The Bear // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 74—75.
(58) ———
59. Медведь, собака и кошка
The Bear, the Dog, and the Cat // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 13—16.
The Bear, the Dog, and the Cat // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 453—455.
60—61. Коза
62. Сказка о козе лупленой
The Goat with the Peeling Side / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 25—27.
The Tale of the Goat Shedding on One Side // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 312—313.
63. Сказка про одного однобокого барана
The Ram Who Lost Half of His Skin // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 188—191.
64. Зимовье зверей
The Animals’ Winter Quarters // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 256—259.
The Animals’ Winter House / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 14—16.
65. Медведь и петух
The Bear and the Cock // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 455—456.
66—67. Собака и дятел
(66) The Dog and the Woodpecker // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 499—500.
(67) ———
68. Кочет и курица
The Cock and the Hen // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 309.
69. Смерть петушка
The Death of the Cock // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 17—19.
70—71. Курочка
(70) ———
(71) The Hen // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 27—29.
72. Журавль и цапля
[The Crane and the Heron] // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 306—309.
The Crane and the Heron // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 66.
The Crane and the Heron / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 6—8.
73. Ворона и рак
The Raven and the Lobster // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 612.
74. Орел и ворона
75. Золотая рыбка
The Golden Fish // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 193—208.
The Goldfish // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 528—532.
76. Жадная старуха
The Greedy Old Woman / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 23—25.
77—80. Сказка о Ерше Ершовиче, сыне Щетинникове
(77) ———
(78) The Tale of Ruff Ruffson, Son of Bristle / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 17—19.
(79, 80) ———
81. Байка о щуке зубастой
The Pike with the Long Teeth // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 54—55.
A Chapter of Fish // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 188—192.
82—84. Терем мухи
(82) The Castle of the Fly // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 25—26.
(83) ———
(84) Who Lived in a Scull // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 209—211.
85—86. Мизгирь
(85) The Mizgir // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 68—69.
(85) The Spider // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 75—76.
(86) ———
87—88. Пузырь, соломинка и лапоть
(87) The Bladder, the Straw, and the Shoe // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 590.
(87) The Bubble, the Straw and the Bast Shoe / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 28.
(88) ———
89. Репка
The Turnip // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 26—27.
90. Грибы
91. Мороз, Солнце и Ветер
The Frost, the Sun, and the Wind // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 169—170.
92. Солнце, Месяц и Ворон Воронович
The Sun, The Moon and Crow Crowson // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 318—320.
The Sun, the Moon, and the Raven // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 588—589.
93. Ведьма и Солнцева сестра
The Witch and the Sun’s Sister // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 178—182.
The Witch and the Sister of the Sun // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 188—191.
Prince Ivan, the Witch Baby, and the Little Sister of the Sun // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 120—138.
94. Вазуза и Волга
Vazuza and Volga // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 215—216.
Vazúza and Vólga // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 282.
[Vazouza and Volga] // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 297—298.
The Two Rivers // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 172.
95—96. Морозко
(95) Father Frost // Folk Tales from the Russian / Retold by V.X. Kalamatiano de Blumenthal; [ill. by L.F. Perkins]. L.; Chicago; N.Y.: Rand, McNally & C°, 1903. P. 141—147.
(95) Frost // Russian Fairy Tales // Retold by G. Avery, with ill. by I. Bilibin. (Ser. “Children’s Classics Everyman’s Library”). N.Y.: A. Knopf: Random House, 1995.
(96) Frost // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 221—227.
(96) Frost // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 43—57.
(95) Master Frost // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 41—45.
(96) Jack Frost // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 366—369.
(96) Father Frost / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 30—33.
97. Старуха-говоруха
The Grumbling Old Woman // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 340—341.
98. Дочь и падчерица
Daughter and Stepdaughter // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 11—15.
Daughter and Stepdaughter // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 278—279.
99. Кобиляча голова
100. Крошечка-Хаврошечка
Wee Little Havroshechka / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 38—41.
101. Буренушка
The Brown Cow // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 53—56.
Dun Cow // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 1—5.
Burenushka, the Little Red Cow // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 146—150.
102—103. Баба-яга
(102) Baba Yaga (1) // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 194—195.
(103) The Baba Yaga // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 148—151.
(103) Baba Yaga // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 76—91.
(103) Baba Yaga (2) // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 363—365.
(103) Baba Yaga // Folk Tales from the Russian / Retold by V.X. Kalamatiano de Blumenthal; [ill. by L.F. Perkins]. L.; Chicago; N.Y.: Rand, McNally & C°, 1903. P. 118—127.
104. Василиса Прекрасная
Vasilissa the Fair // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 158—166.
Vasilísa the Fair // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 109—118.
Vassilissa the Fair and Baba Yagá // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 116—124.
Vasilisa the Beautiful // The Twelve Dancing Princesses, and Other Fairy Tales / Selected and with an Introd. by A. David and M.E. Meek. Bloomington (IN); L.: Indiana University Press, 1974. P. 101—110.
Vasilisa the Beautiful // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 439—447.
Fair Vasilissa and the Baba Yaga // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 160—168.
Vassilissa the Beautiful and the Witch Baba Yaga // Russian Fairy Tales // Retold by G. Avery, with ill. by I. Bilibin. (Ser. “Children’s Classics Everyman’s Library”). N.Y.: A. Knopf: Random House, 1995. P. 33—54.
Vasilisa the Beautiful // Russian Fairy Tales (= Русские народные сказки) / Transl. and ed. of the Bilingual Text by D. Martin (USA) and L. Lisitskaya (R.F.) (= Перевод и литературная обработка параллельного текста Д. Мартин (США), Л. Лисицкая (РФ)). М.: Терра, 1996. С. 43—60.
105. Баба-яга и Заморышек
Bába Yagá and Zamorýshek // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 47—51.
Baba-Yaga and Puny / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 26—29.
106—107. Баба-яга и жихарь
(106) Baba Yaga and the Brave Youth // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 76—79.
(107) Chuflíl-Fílushka // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 230—233.
108—111. Ивашко и ведьма
(108) The Witch // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 171—176.
(108) Iváshko and the Wise Woman // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 306—310.
(109—111) ———
112. Терешечка
Tereshechka / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 127—130.
Tereshichka // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 389—393.
113. Гуси-лебеди
The Magic Swan-Geese // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 349—351.
The Swan-Geese / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 30—32.
114. Князь Данила-Говорила
By Command of the Prince Daniel // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 64—69.
Prince Daniel // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 72—78.
Prince Danila Govorila // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 351—356.
115—122. Правда и Кривда
(115) Straight and Crooked // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 66—71.
(115) Right and Wrong // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 202—208.
(116, 117) ———
(118) God’s Blessing Compasses All Things // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 170—172.
(118) Right and Wrong / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 33—35.
(119—122) ———
123—124. Королевич и его дядька
(123) The Tsarévich and Dyád’ka // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 137—144.
125. Иван-царевич и Марфа-царевна
Prince Ivan and Princess Martha // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 79—86.
Prince Ivan and Princess Martha / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 36—41.
126. Масенжны дзядок
127. Купеческая дочь и служанка
The Merchant’s Daughter and the Maiden Servant // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 327—331.
128—130. Три царства — медное, серебряное и золотое
(128) The Three Kingdoms // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 49—53.
(129) The Three Kingdoms, Copper, Silver, and Golden // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 375—387.
(129) The Three Kingdoms / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 42—50.
(130) ———
131. Фролка-сидень
Fearless Frolka / Transl. by K.M. Cook-Horujy // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 46—50.
Frolka-Stay-At-Home // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 299—302.
132. Норка-зверь
The Norka // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 86—92.
The Norka // The Red Fairy Book / Ed. by A. Lang; with numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford and L. Speed. L.; N. Y.: Longmans, Green & C°, 1890. P. 116—122.
133—134. Покатигорошек
135. Иван Попялов
Inav Popyalof // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 79—83.
136. Буря-богатырь Иван коровий сын
Ivan the Cow’s Sun // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 234—249.
137. Иван Быкович
Ivan the Bull’s Son / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 51—63.
138. Иван крестьянский сын и мужичок сам с перст, усы на семь верст
Ivan the Peasant’s Son and the Thumb-Sized Man // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 262—268.
139. Иван Сученко и Белый Полянин
140. Зорька, Вечорка и Полуночка
The Three Men of Power: Evening, Midnight, and Sunrise // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 248—270.
Dawn, Evening, and Midnight // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 457—463.
Evening, Midnight and Dawn / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 51—55.
141—142. Медведко, Усыня, Горыня и Дубыня-богатыри
143. Надзей папов унук
Nodey, the Priest’s Grandson // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 173—177.
144. Летучий корабль
The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 58—74.
145—147. Семь Семионов
(145) Seven Simeons // Folk Tales from the Russian / Retold by V.X. Kalamatiano de Blumenthal; [ill. by L.F. Perkins]. L.; Chicago; N.Y.: Rand, McNally & C°, 1903. P. 27—65.
(145) The Seven Simeons / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 110—112.
(147) The Seven Semyons // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 410—414.
148. Никита Кожемяка
Nikíta the Tanner // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 267—268.
Nikita the Tanner // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 310—311.
149. Змей и цыган
150. Батрак
The Hired Man // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 202—207.
151. Шабарша
Shabarsha / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 56—59.
152. Иванко Медведко
Ivanko the Bear’s Son // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 221—223.
153. Солдат избавляет царевну
154. Беглый солдат и черт
155. Два Ивана солдатских сына
Two Ivans, Soldier’s Sons // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 463—475.
156—158. Кощей Бессмертный
(156) Koshchei the Deathless // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 111—118.
(157) ———
(158) Koshchey the Deathless // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 485—494.
159. Марья Моревна
Marya-Morevna // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 97—108.
Márya Moryévna // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 192—203.
The Death of Koschei the Deathless // The Red Fairy Book / Ed. by A. Lang; with numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford and L. Speed. L.; N. Y.: Longmans, Green & C°, 1890. P. 42—53.
Marya Morévna // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 95—106.
Maria Morevna // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 553—562.
Marya Morevna / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 60—67.
Marya Morevna // Russian Fairy Tales // Retold by G. Avery, with ill. by I. Bilibin. (Ser. “Children’s Classics Everyman’s Library”). N.Y.: A. Knopf: Random House, 1995. P. 69—90.
Maria Morevna // Russian Fairy Tales (= Русские народные сказки) / Transl. and ed. of the Bilingual Text by D. Martin (USA) and L. Lisitskaya (R.F.) (= Перевод и литературная обработка параллельного текста Д. Мартин (США), Л. Лисицкая (РФ)). М.: Терра, 1996. С. 83—101.
160. Федор Тугарин и Анастасия Прекрасная
161. Иван-царевич и Белый Полянин
King Ivan and Bely, the Warrior of the Plains / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 68—73.
Prince Ivan and Byely Polyanin // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 475—482.
162. Хрустальная гора
The Chrystal Mountain / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 42—45.
The Crystal Mountain // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 482—484.
163. Бухтан Бухтанович
Bukhtan Bukhtanovich // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 168—170.
164. Козьма Скоробогатый
Kuzmá Get-Rich-Quick // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 31—37.
165—166. Емеля-дурак
(165) Emelyan, the Fool // A Russian Garland of Fairy Tales: Being Russian Folk Legends: Translated From a Collection of Chapbooks Made in Moscow / Ed. by R. Steele; ill. by R. de Rosciszewski. M. : Robert M. Mcbride & C°, 1916. P. 166—182.
(165) Emelya and the Pike / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 74—81.
(166) Emelian the Fool // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 269—272.
(166) Emelya the Simpleton // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 46—48.
167. По щучьему веленью
At the Behest of the Pike // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 274—280.
168. Сказка об Иване-царевиче, жар-птице и о сером волке
The Tale of Iván Tsarévich, the Bird of Light, and the Grey Wolf // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 78—90.
The Firebird // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 125—133.
Prince Ivan, the Firebird, and the Gray Wolf // The Twelve Dancing Princesses, and Other Fairy Tales / Selected and with an Introd. by A. David and M.E. Meek. Bloomington (IN); L.: Indiana University Press, 1974. P. 111—123.
Prince Ivan, the Firebird, and the Gray Wolf // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 612—624.
The Firebird // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 189—201.
Tsarevich Ivan, the Firebird and the Grey Wolf // Russian Fairy Tales // Retold by G. Avery, with ill. by I. Bilibin. (Ser. “Children’s Classics Everyman’s Library”). N.Y.: A. Knopf: Random House, 1995. P. 127—147.
Tsarevich Ivan, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf // Russian Fairy Tales (= Русские народные сказки) / Transl. and ed. of the Bilingual Text by D. Martin (USA) and L. Lisitskaya (R.F.) (= Перевод и литературная обработка параллельного текста Д. Мартин (США), Л. Лисицкая (РФ)). М.: Терра, 1996. С. 11—32.
169—170. Жар-птица и Василиса-царевна
(169) The Fire-Bird, the Horse of Power, and the Princess Vasilissa // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 223—239.
(169) The Firebird and Princess Vasilisa // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 494—497.
(169) The Fire-Bird and Princess Vassilissa / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 82—85.
(170) ———
171—178. Сказка о молодце-удальце, молодильных яблоках и живой воде
(171) The Bold Knight, the Apples of Youth, and the Water of Life // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 314—320.
(171) The Apples of Youth and the Water of Life / Transl. by K.M. Cook-Horujy // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 131—137.
(172—178) ———
179—181. Сивко-бурко
(179) ———
(180) Princess Helena the Fair // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 262—265.
(180) The Princess to be Kissed at a Charge // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 220—222.
(181) ———
182—184. Свинка золотая щетинка, утка золотые перышки, золоторогий олень и золотогривый конь
(182) The Golden-Bristled Pig, the Golden-Feathered Duck, and the Golden-Maned Mare // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 533—541.
(183, 184) ———
185. Волшебный конь
186. Конь, скатерть и рожок
The Horse, the Table-Cloth and the Corn / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 86—88.
187. Двое из сумы
Two Out of the Sack // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 321—324.
188. Петух и жерновки
The Cock and the Hand Mill // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 387—389.
The Rooster and the Millstones / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 68—70.
189. Чудесный ящик
The Magic Box // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 164—168.
The Magic Box / Transl. by K.M. Cook-Horujy // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 116—119.
190—191. Волшебное кольцо
(190) The Enchanted Ring // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 31—37.
(191) ———
192—194. Рога
(192) Horns // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 292—294.
(193, 194) ———
195—196. Сказка про утку с золотыми яйцами
(195) The Duck with Golden Eggs // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 541—544.
(196) Story of the Duck with Golden Eggs // A Russian Garland of Fairy Tales: Being Russian Folk Legends: Translated From a Collection of Chapbooks Made in Moscow / Ed. by R. Steele; ill. by R. de Rosciszewski. M. : Robert M. Mcbride & C°, 1916. P. 125—130.
197. Чудесная курица
The Miraculous Hen // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 52—60.
198—200. Безногий и слепой богатыри
(198) The Blind Man and the Cripple // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 246—258.
(198) The Legless Knight and the Blind Knight // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 321—332.
(199) ———
(200) The Footless Champion and the Handless Champion // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 269—273.
201. Царь-медведь
King Bear // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 393—398.
202—205. Звериное молоко
(202) The Milk of Wild Beasts // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 304—307.
(203—205) ———
206—207. Притворная болезнь
208—209. Чудесная рубашка
(208) The Magic Shirt // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 110—113.
(209) ———
210—211. Волшебное зеркальце
212—215. Пойди туда — не знаю куда, принеси то — не знаю что
(211) ———
(212) Go I Know Not Whither, Bring Back I Know Not What // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 504—520.
(212) I-Know-Not-What of I-Know-Not-Where // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 100—121.
(214) Go I Know Not Where, Bring I Know Not What / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 89—94.
216. Мудрая жена
[Without Title.] // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 521—528.
217—218. Три копеечки
(217) The Three Copecks // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 56—59.
(218) The Three Pennies // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 113—114.
219—226. Морской царь и Василиса Премудрая
(219) The Water King and Vasilissa the Wise // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 130—141.
(219) The Sea Tsar and Vasilísa the Wise // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 243—255.
(219) The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 427—437.
(220, 221) ———
(222) The King of the Sea and Vassilissa the Wise / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 95—101.
(223—226) ———
227—229. Неосторожное слово
(227) The Hasty Word // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 370—374.
(227) The Thoughtless Word // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 70—74.
(228, 229) ———
230—231. Купленная жена
232—233. Царь-девица
(232) The Tsar Maiden / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 71—75.
(232) The Maiden Tsar // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 229—234.
(233) ———
234—235. Перышко Финиста ясна сокола
(234) The Feather of Finist the Falcon // Russian Wonder Tales / With a Foreword on «The Russian Skazki» by [G.] Post Wheeler, Litt. D.; Containing Twelve of the Famous Bilibin Illustrations in Color. N.Y.: The Century C°, 1912. P. 173—196.
(234) Phenist the Bright-Eyed Falcon // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 134—144.
(234) The Feather of Finist, the Bright Falcon // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 580—588.
(234) Fenist the Falcon / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 102—107.
(234) The Feather of Finist the Falcon // Retold by G. Avery, with ill. by I. Bilibin. (Ser. “Children’s Classics Everyman’s Library”). N.Y.: A. Knopf: Random House, 1995. P. 166—183.
(234) The Feather of Finist, the Bright Falcon Russian Fairy Tales (= Русские народные сказки) / Transl. and ed. of the Bilingual Text by D. Martin (USA) and L. Lisitskaya (R.F.) (= Перевод и литературная обработка параллельного текста Д. Мартин (США), Л. Лисицкая (РФ)). М.: Терра, 1996. С. 61—74.
(235) ———
236—237. Елена Премудрая
(236) Elena the Wise / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 108—112.
(236) Elena the Wise // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 545—549.
(237) ———
238. Гусли-самогуды
Self-Playing Gusla // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 211—213.
239. Царевна, разрешающая загадки
The Princess Who Wanted to Solve Riddles // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 115—117.
240. Вещий сон [1]
The Prophetic Dream / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 113—119.
241. Вещий сон [2]
242. Соль
Salt // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 272—291.
Salt: A Russian Tale / Adapted by H. Zemach; from a literal translation by B. Zemach of the Russian of Alexai Afanasiev; with ill. by M. Zemach. Chicago; N.Y.: Follett Publishing Company, 1965.
Salt // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 40—44.
Salt // Russian Fairy Tales // Retold by G. Avery, with ill. by I. Bilibin. (Ser. “Children’s Classics Everyman’s Library”). N.Y.: A. Knopf: Random House, 1995. P. 117—126.
243. Золотая гора
The Golden Mountain // Folk Tales from the Russian / Retold by V.X. Kalamatiano de Blumenthal; [ill. by L.F. Perkins]. L.; Chicago; N.Y.: Rand, McNally & C°, 1903. P. 132—140 (инициал + концовка).
The Mountain of Gold / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 120—123.
The Mountain of Gold // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 129—134.
244—246. Чудесная дудка
(244) The Miraculous Pipe // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 425—427.
(245, 246) ———
247. Птичий язык
Language of the Birds // Folk Tales from the Russian / Retold by V.X. Kalamatiano de Blumenthal; [ill. by L.F. Perkins]. L.; Chicago; N.Y.: Rand, McNally & C°, 1903. P. 66—76 (инициал + концовка + 2 полосные иллюстрации).
The Language of the Birds // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 45—47.
Bird Language // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 83—86.
The Lad Who Knew the Language of Birds / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 76—79.
248. Охотник и его жена
The Hunter and His Wife // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 240—247.
The Huntsman and His Wife // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 107—115.
249—253. Хитрая наука
(249) Magic // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 399—404.
(249) The Cunning Trade / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 124—128.
(250—253) ———
254—255. Диво
256. Диво дивное, чудо чудное
The Wondrous Wonder, the Marvelous Marvel // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 13—15.
The Wonder of Wonders / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 107—109.
257. Счастливое дитя
A Lucky Child // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 79—82.
258. Клад
The Treasure // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 36—40.
The Treasure-Trove // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 550—552.
259. Скорый гонец
A Swift Messenger // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 46—52.
The Speedy Messenger // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 124—130.
260—263. Сестрица Аленушка, братец Иванушка
(260) Alenoushka and Her Brother // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 212—222.
(260) Sister Alionushka, Brother Ivanushka // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 406—410.
(260) Sister Alionushka and Brother Ivanushka // Russian Fairy Tales // Retold by G. Avery, with ill. by I. Bilibin. (Ser. “Children’s Classics Everyman’s Library”). N.Y.: A. Knopf: Random House, 1995. P. 149—156.
(260) Sister Alionushka and Brother Ivanushka // Russian Fairy Tales (= Русские народные сказки) / Transl. and ed. of the Bilingual Text by D. Martin (USA) and L. Lisitskaya (R.F.) (= Перевод и литературная обработка параллельного текста Д. Мартин (США), Л. Лисицкая (РФ)). М.: Терра, 1996. С. 3—10.
(261—263) ———
264. Царевна — серая утица
265. Белая уточка
The White Duck // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 342—345.
The White Duck / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 129—132.
The White Duck // Russian Fairy Tales // Retold by G. Avery, with ill. by I. Bilibin. (Ser. “Children’s Classics Everyman’s Library”). N.Y.: A. Knopf: Random House, 1995. P. 156—165.
The White Duck // Russian Fairy Tales (= Русские народные сказки) / Transl. and ed. of the Bilingual Text by D. Martin (USA) and L. Lisitskaya (R.F.) (= Перевод и литературная обработка параллельного текста Д. Мартин (США), Л. Лисицкая (РФ)). М.: Терра, 1996. С. 75—82.
266. Арысь-поле
Lynx of the Forest // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 19—20.
267—269. Царевна-лягушка
(267) The Tsarevna Frog // Folk Tales from the Russian / Retold by V.X. Kalamatiano de Blumenthal; [ill. by L.F. Perkins]. L.; Chicago; N.Y.: Rand, McNally & C°, 1903. P. 13—26 (инициал + концовка + полосная иллюстрация).
(267) The Frog Princess // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 119—123.
(267) The Frog Tsarevna // Russian Fairy Tales (= Русские народные сказки) / Transl. and ed. of the Bilingual Text by D. Martin (USA) and L. Lisitskaya (R.F.) (= Перевод и литературная обработка параллельного текста Д. Мартин (США), Л. Лисицкая (РФ)). М.: Терра, 1996. С. 33—42.
(268) ———
(269) The Frog Tsarevna // Russian Fairy Tales // Retold by G. Avery, with ill. by I. Bilibin. (Ser. “Children’s Classics Everyman’s Library”). N.Y.: A. Knopf: Random House, 1995. P. 101—116.
(269) The Frog-Princess // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 87—94.
270. Царевна-змея
The Snake Princess // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 287—291.
The Snake Princess / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 102—106.
271—272. Заколдованная королевна
(271) The Enchanted Princess // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 600—611.
(272) The Enchanted Princess / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 80—86.
273—274. Окаменелое царство
(273) The Realm of Stone // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 204—207.
(273) The Petrified Kingdom / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 138—141.
(274) ———
275. Береза и три сокола
The Birch-Tree and the Three Falcons / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 113—115.
276. Заклятый царевич
The Enchanted Tsarévich // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 283—286.
277. Сопливый козел
The Snotty Goat // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 200—202.
278. Неумойка
Never-Wash // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 311—314.
The Soldier Who Did Not Wash // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 138—142.
279—282. Косоручка
(279) The Armless Maiden // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 294—299.
(280—282) ———
283—287. По колена ноги в золоте, по локоть руки в серебре
(283) The Wicked Sisters // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 356—360.
(284—287) ———
288—289. Поющее дерево и птица-говорунья
(288) The Singing-Tree and the Speaking-Bird // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 269—273.
(288) The Singing Tree and the Talking Bird // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 184—188.
(289) ———
290—291. Свиной чехол
292. Золотой башмачок
The Golden Slipper // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 44—46.
The Golden Shoe / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 120—122.
293. Чернушка
294. Царевна в подземном царстве
295—296. Незнайко
(295) Donotknow // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 234—242.
(296) Know Not // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 97—109.
297. Несмеяна-царевна
Princess Never-A-Smile / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 64—67.
The Princess Who Never Smiled // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 360—363.
298—299. Ночные пляски
(298) The Midnight Dance // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 106—108.
(298) The Secret Ball // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 224—226.
(298) The Princesses Who Danced the Nights Away / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 87—90.
(299) ———
300. Мальчик с пальчик
Tiny / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 34—37.
301. Верлиока
302. Лихо одноглазое
One-Eyed Likho // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 186—189.
The One-Eyes Evil // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 404—406.
One-Eyed Likho // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 148—151.
303. Горе
Woe // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 193—199.
Woe Bogotir // Folk Tales from the Russian / Retold by V.X. Kalamatiano de Blumenthal; [ill. by L.F. Perkins]. L.; Chicago; N.Y.: Rand, McNally & C°, 1903. P. 107—117 (инициал + концовка + полосная иллюстрация).
Sorrow // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 299—305.
Little Master Misery // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 166—183.
Sorrow // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 122—128.
Misery // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 20—24.
304. Две доли
Two Kinds of Luck // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 501—504.
Good Luck and Bad Luck / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 91—94.
305—307. Марко Богатый и Василий Бессчастный
(305) Marko the Rich and Vassily the Luckless // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Doddington, ill. by D. Hart. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. P. 57—65.
(305) Marko the Rich and Vasily the Unlucky / Transl. from the Russian by Th.P. Whitney; ill. by I. Galanin. N.Y.: Macmillan Publishing C°; L.: Collier Macmillan, 1974. – 32 p.
(305) Marko the Rich and Vasily the Luckless // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 213—220.
(306, 307) ———
308—309. История о славном и храбром богатыре Илье Муромце и Соловье-разбойнике
(308) Iliya of Murom and the Robber Nightingale // A Russian Garland of Fairy Tales: Being Russian Folk Legends: Translated From a Collection of Chapbooks Made in Moscow / Ed. by R. Steele; ill. by R. de Rosciszewski. M. : Robert M. Mcbride & C°, 1916. P. 61—67.
(308) The Story of the Brave and Doughty Knight Ilyá Múromets and the Nightingale Robber // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 260—266.
(309) ———
310. Илья Муромец и змей
Ilya Muromets and the Dragon // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 569—575.
311. Василий Буславич
312. Алеша Попович
Alyósha Popóvich // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 165—169.
Aliosha Popovich // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 68—71.
313. Данило Бессчастный
Danilo the Unfortunate // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 22—29.
Danilo the Luckless // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 255—261.
314. Василий-царевич и Елена Прекрасная
315. Балдак Борисьевич
Baldak Borisievich // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 90—96.
316. Василиса Поповна
Vasilísa Popóvna // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 147—150.
Vasilisa, the Priest’s Daughter // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 131—133.
317. Про Мамая безбожного
318. Сказание об Александре Македонском
The Tale of Alexander the Macedon // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 160—161.
319—320. Шемякин суд
(319) The Judgment of Shemyaka // A Russian Garland of Fairy Tales: Being Russian Folk Legends: Translated From a Collection of Chapbooks Made in Moscow / Ed. by R. Steele; ill. by R. de Rosciszewski. M. : Robert M. Mcbride & C°, 1916. P. 183—186.
(319) Shemyák the Judge // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 173—175.
(319) Shemiaka the Judge // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 625—627.
(320) ———
321—323. Загадки
(321, 322) ———
(323) Riddles // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 29—30.
(323) The Riddle / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 129—132.
324—325. Горшеня
(324) ———
(325) The Potter // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 185—187.
(325) The Potter // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 208—210.
326. Мудрые ответы
Clever Answers // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 578—579.
327—328. Мудрая дева
(327) ———
(328) The Wise Little Girl // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 352—355.
329. Попов работник
The Priest’s Labourer // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 332.
330. Царевич-найденыш
The Foundling Prince // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 42.
331. Сосватанные дети
The Early Match / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 95—98.
332—334. Доброе слово
(332) Words of Wisdom / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 123—126.
(332) Good Advice // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 289—291.
(323, 324) ———
335. Дочь пастуха
336—337. Оклеветанная купеческая дочь
(336) The Merchant’s Daughter and the Slanderer // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 415—418.
(337) ———
338. Царица-гусляр
The Tsarítsa Harpist // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 75—77.
339. Отец и дочь
340. Солдат и царь в лесу
The Soldier and the Tsar in the Forest // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 154—159.
The Soldier and the King // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 563—568.
341. Солдат и разбойник
342—343. Разбойники
(342) The Robbers // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 419—423.
(343) ———
344. Королевна и разбойники
345. Мудрая девица и семь разбойников
The Wise Maid and the Seven Robbers / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 136—141.
The Wise Maiden and the Seven Robbers // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 134—140.
346. Счастье и несчастье
347. Убогий
The Poor Wretch // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 177—179.
348—350. Бесстрашный
(348) The Man Who Did Not Know Fear // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 325—327.
(349, 350) ———
351—362. Рассказы о мертвецах
(351) The Shroud // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 311—313.
(351) The Lazy Maiden // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 423—425.
(352) The Coffin-Lid // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 314—315.
(352) A Tale of the Dead [1] // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 6—7.
(352) The Peasant and the Corpse // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 333—334.
(353) A Tale of the Dead [2] // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 8.
(352) Dead Man’s Tales [1] / Transl. by K.M. Cook-Horujy // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 145—147.
(353) The Ride on the Gravestone // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 308—309.
(354) The Soldier and the Vampire // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 318—322.
(354) A Tale of the Dead [3] // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 9—12.
(354) Dead Man’s Tales [2] / Transl. by K.M. Cook-Horujy // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 147—150.
(355) Dead Man’s Tales [3] / Transl. by K.M. Cook-Horujy // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 150—151.
(356) ———
(357) The Dog and the Corpse // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 317—318.
(358) The Two Friends // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 309—310.
(359) ———
(360) The Two Corpses // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 316—317.
(361, 362) ———
363. Упырь
The Fiend // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 24—32.
The Vampire // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 593—598.
364. Иван купеческий сын отчитывает царевну
365—369. Рассказы о ведьмах
(365) The Witch Girl // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 274—275.
(365) Witches’ Tales [1] / Transl. by K.M. Cook-Horujy // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 152—154.
(366) The Headless Princess // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 276—279.
(366) Witches’ Tales [2] / Transl. by K.M. Cook-Horujy // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 154—155.
(367) ———
(368) The Soldier’s Midnight Watch // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 279—287.
(369) The Dead Witch // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 32—36.
370. Смерть скупого
Death of a Miser // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 268.
371. Скрипач в аду
The Fiddler in Hell // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 303—306.
The Fiddler in Hell // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 180—182.
372. Горшечник
The Devil Who Was a Potter // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 576—577.
373. Вдова и бес
374. Леший
The Leshy // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 213—214.
The Wood Sprite // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 223—224.
The Wood Goblin / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 142—144.
375—377. Морока
(375) ———
(376) Hocus-Pocus / Transl. by K.M. Cook-Horujy // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 159—162.
(377) ———
378. Дока на доку
Biter Bit / Transl. by K.M. Cook-Horujy // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 163—165.
379—380. Ворожея
(379) The Fortune-Teller / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 142—145.
(380) ———
381. Знахарь
382. Слепцы
383—390. Вор
(383) The Thief // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 590—593.
(384—390) ———
391. Вороватый мужик
392—394. Солдатская загадка
(392) A Soldier’s Riddle // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 117—118.
(393, 394) ———
395—396. Мертвое тело
(395) ———
(396) The Dead Body // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 118—119.
397—399. Шут
(397) The Jester // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 151—155.
(398, 399) ———
400—401. Иванушка-дурачок
(400) Ivan the Simpleton // Folk Tales from the Russian / Retold by V.X. Kalamatiano de Blumenthal; [ill. by L.F. Perkins]. L.; Chicago; N.Y.: Rand, McNally & C°, 1903. P. 77—106.
(400) Ivanushko the Little Fool // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 62—65.
(400) Ivan the Fool / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 146—149.
(401) ———
402. Дурак и береза
The Fool and the Birch-Tree // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 62—66.
The Fool and the Birch-Tree // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 156—159.
403—404. Набитый дурак
(403) ———
(404) The Arrant Fool // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 334—336.
405—406. Лутонюшка
(405) Lutonya / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 99—101.
(405) Lutoniushka // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 336—337.
(406) ———
407—409. Мена
(407) Exchange / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 166—170.
(407) Barter // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 338—340.
(408, 409) ———
410—411. Сказка про братьев Фому и Ерему
(410) Foma and Erema, the Two Brothers // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 37—38.
(411) ———
412—417. Хорошо, да худо
(412) Good But Bad / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 150—152.
(413—417) ———
418—427. Не любо —не слушай
(418) If You Don’t Like It, Don’t Listen // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 345—348.
(419—423) ———
(424) Don’t Listen If You Don’t Like / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 156—158.
(425—427) ———
428. Байка про старину стародавнюю
429. Удалой батрак
The Daring Workman / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 156—158.
The Brave Laborer // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 276—277.
430. Иван-дурак
Ivan the Simpleton // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 142—145.
431—432. Фома Беренников
(431) Foma Berennikov // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 284—287.
(432) Foma Berennikov / Transl. by I. Zheleznova // Words of Wisdom: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1998. P. 171—174.
433—437. Сказка о злой жене
(433) The Bad Wife // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 52—55.
(433) The Bad Wife // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 56—57.
(434, 435) ———
(436) The Quarrelsome Wife // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 213—215.
(437) ———
438—440. Жена-спорщица
(438, 439) ———
(440) The Stubborn Wife // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 280.
441—443. Жена-доказчица
(441) ———
(442) The Indiscreet Wife // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 226—227.
(443) ———
444. Головиха
The Golovikha // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 55—56.
The Mayoress // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 141.
445. Муж да жена
Husband and Wife // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 369—370.
446. Вещий дуб
447. Дорогая кожа
The Precious Hide // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 156—158.
448. Как муж отучил жену от сказок
A Cure for Story-Telling // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 333—334.
How a Husband Weaned His Wife from Fairy Tales // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 308.
The Wife Who Liked Fairy-Tales // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 211—213.
449. Лубок
450. Крест-порука
The Cross-Surety // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 40—46.
The Cross is Pledged as Security // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 159—160.
The Russian and the Tatar // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 135—137.
451. Об отце Николае
Father Nicholas and the Thief // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 145—57.
452. Скряга
The Miser // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 60—62.
The Miser // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 58—59.
The Miser / Transl. by K. Cook // The Three Kingdoms: Russian Folk Tales from Alexander Afanasiev’s Collection / Ill. by A. Kurkin. Moscow: Raduga Publishers, 1987. P. 153—155.
453—527. Народные анекдоты
(453—483) ———
(484) Anecdotes (3) // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 280.
(485) Anecdotes (4) // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 280.
(486) Anecdotes (5) // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 282.
(487—489) ———
(490) Anecdotes (6) // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 282.
(491) Anecdotes (7) // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 282.
(492) Anecdotes (8) //Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 282.
(493—495) ———
(496) Dimian the Peasant // Folk Tales from the Russian / Retold by V.X. Kalamatiano de Blumenthal; [ill. by L.F. Perkins]. L.; Chicago; N.Y.: Rand, McNally & C°, 1903. P. 128—131 (инициал + концовка + полосная иллюстрация).
(496) The Quarrelsome Demian // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 163—164.
(497) The Nobleman and the Peasant // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 59—61.
(498) The Cheater Cheated // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 228—229.
(499) Dividing the Goose // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 579—580.
(500) ———
(501) The Beggar’s Plan // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 599.
(502—508) ———
(509) The Old Woman Who Ran Away // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 182—183.
(510) The Daydreamer // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 161.
(511, 512) ———
(513) Anecdotes (1) // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 184.
(514—518) ———
(519) The Taming of the Shrew // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 161—162.
(520—525) ———
(526) The Just Reward // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 39—40.
(527) The Foolish German // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 600.
528—532. Докучные сказки
533—553. Прибаутки
(533) ———
(534) Woman’s Way // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 599.
(535) The Goat Comes Back // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 61—62.
(536—544) ———
(545) Anecdotes (2) // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 184.
(546—553) ———
554. Казка про козла и барана
555. Казка про кравця и вовка
556. Повесть о Ерше Ершовиче, сыне Щетинникове
557. Девушка и медведь
558. Три сестры
559. Сказка о золотом, серебряном и медном царствах
The Realms of Copper, Silver and Gold // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 225—229.
Story of the Golden Mountain // A Russian Garland of Fairy Tales: Being Russian Folk Legends: Translated From a Collection of Chapbooks Made in Moscow / Ed. by R. Steele; ill. by R. de Rosciszewski. M. : Robert M. Mcbride & C°, 1916. P. 50—60.
560. Сказка о Василисе золотой косе, непокрытой красе, и об Иване-Горохе
Story of Vasilisa with the Golden Tress, and of Ivan the Peas / lavonic Fairy Tales / Collected and Translated from the Russian, Polish, Servian, and Bohemian by J.T. Naaké; with Four Illustrations. L.: Henry S. King & C°, 1874. P. 46—60.
561. Сказка о семи Семионах, родных братьях
The Seven Brothers Simeon // A Russian Garland of Fairy Tales: Being Russian Folk Legends: Translated From a Collection of Chapbooks Made in Moscow / Ed. by R. Steele; ill. by R. de Rosciszewski. M.: Robert M. Mcbride & C°, 1916. P. 29—38.
562. Сказка о сильном и храбром непобедимом богатыре Иване-царевиче и о прекрасной его супружнице Царь-девице
563. Сказка о трех королевичах
564. О Иванушке-дурачке
565. Смирный мужик и драчливая жена
The Mild Man and his Cantankerous Wife // A Russian Garland of Fairy Tales: Being Russian Folk Legends: Translated From a Collection of Chapbooks Made in Moscow / Ed. by R. Steele; ill. by R. de Rosciszewski. M. : Robert M. Mcbride & C°, 1916. P. 117—124.
566. Сказка про перстень о двенадцати винтах
567. Сказка о Бессчастном стрелке
Huntsman the Unlucky // Slavonic Fairy Tales / Collected and Translated from the Russian, Polish, Servian, and Bohemian by J.T. Naaké; with Four Illustrations. L.: Henry S. King & C°, 1874. P. 84—91.
568. Неосторожное слово
569. Сказка о серебряном блюдечке и наливном яблочке
Story of Little Simpleton // Slavonic Fairy Tales / Collected and Translated from the Russian, Polish, Servian, and Bohemian by J.T. Naaké; with Four Illustrations. L.: Henry S. King & C°, 1874. P. 170—177.
The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Chrystal Apple // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 36—41.
The Silver Saucer and the Transparent Apple // Ransome A. Old Peter’s Russian Tales. L.; Edinburgh; N.Y.; Toronto; P.: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1916. P. 8—27.
570. Сказка о лягушке и богатыре
571. Сказка об Иване-богатыре, крестьянском сыне
Story of Ivan the Peasant’s Son // A Russian Garland of Fairy Tales: Being Russian Folk Legends: Translated From a Collection of Chapbooks Made in Moscow / Ed. by R. Steele; ill. by R. de Rosciszewski. M. : Robert M. Mcbride & C°, 1916. P. 39—49.
572. Лихо
573. Людська доля
574. Нужда
575. Сказка о Силе-царевиче и об Ивашке белой рубашке
Sila Tsarevich and Ivashka with the White Smock // A Russian Garland of Fairy Tales: Being Russian Folk Legends: Translated From a Collection of Chapbooks Made in Moscow / Ed. by R. Steele; ill. by R. de Rosciszewski. M. : Robert M. Mcbride & C°, 1916. P. 194—201.
576. О Горе-горянине Даниле-дворянине
577. Рассказ о мертвеце
578. Сказка о богатыре Голе Воянском
Story of Gol Voyansky // Slavonic Fairy Tales / Collected and Translated from the Russian, Polish, Servian, and Bohemian by J.T. Naaké; with Four Illustrations. L.: Henry S. King & C°, 1874. P. 22—29.
579. Хитрий чоловік

Народные русские легенды

[1.] Кто меньше желает, тому больше дается
[2.] Христос-странник
[3.] Награда и наказание
[4.] Марко-Богатый
Mark the Rick // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 61—63.
[5.] Певцы
Christ and Folk-Songs // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 316.
[6.] Апостол Петр
Christ and the Geese // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 315.
[7.] Господь и церковный староста

1. Чудесная молотьба
2. Чудо на мельнице
3. Бедная вдова
The Poor Widow // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 121—127.
4. Исцеление
5. Поп — завидущие глаза
The Priest of the Envious Eyes // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 91—95.
The Priest with the Greedy Eyes // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 355—359.
6. Превращение
7. Пиво и хлеб
Beer and Bread // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 292—298.
8. Христов братец
The Brother of Christ // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 162—164.
9. Егорий храбрый
Egóry the Brave and the Gypsy // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 17—21.
10. Илья-пророк и Никола
Elijah the Prophet and Nicholas // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 344—348.
Elijah the Prophet and St. Nicholas // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 216—219.
11. Касьян и Никола
12. Золотое стремя
13. Пятница
14. О Ное праведном
15. Соломон премудрый
16. Солдат и Смерть
The Soldier and the Death // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 96—105.
Death and the Soldier // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 81—99.
17. Видение
(b) The Dream // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 151—153.
18. Потанька
The Devil in the Dough-Pan // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 317.
19. Поездка в Иерусалим
The Journey to Jerusalem // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 145—146.
20. Пустынник и дьявол
21. Пустынник
22. Повесть о бражнике
23. Царевич Евстафий
Prince Evstáfi // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 145—146.
24. Повесть о царе Аггее и како пострада гордостью
The Story of Tsar Angéy [sic!] and How He Survived for Pride // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 208—211.
25. Смерть праведного и грешного
26. Ангел
The Angel // Russian Tales and Legends / Retold by Ch. Downing; ill. by J. Kiddel-Monroe. Oxford; N.Y.; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1989. P. 171—173.
27. Кумова кровать
28. Грех и покаяние
29. Горький пьяница
The Awful Drunkard // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 46—52.
The Sorry Drunkard // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 30—32.
30. Крестный отец
31. Кузнец и Черт
The Smith and the Demon // Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore / [Comp.] by W.R.S. Ralston, M.A. N.Y.: R. Worthington, 1880. P. 70—74.
The Smith and the Devil // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 128—136.
32. Волк
The Wolf and the Tailor // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. from the Russian, with Introduction and Notes by L.A. Magnus, LL.B. L.: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & C°; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & C°, 1913. P. 33—35.
33. Петух и Жорновки